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- files_dos
- on Runtimes Included (PTBASRUN.EXE) * PTBasic Syntax Highlighter TSR Included (PTBASSYN.COM) * GW-... E) along with your (*.EXE). </alert> To load the syntax highlighter TSR just type <sxh bash;> ptbassyn </sxh> To unload the syntax highlighter TSR just type <sxh bash;> ptbassyn /u... ter language source code files (with configurable syntax highlighting). ;#; {{https://raw.githubuserconten
- tutorial @soft:vrgrid
- iting. PTSource Developer Platform as support and syntax highlighting for VRF files. But in this tutorial ... G images, maximum image size is 1024px X 1024px. Syntax Rules There are some syntax details you'll need to keep in mind. <create> tags are placed in the <desig... t side. The default value is solid="yes". So the syntax for the entire <side> tag is as follows: <sxh xml
- vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
- This reference guide provides the details of the syntax for each of the VRF tags.The code samples provide... VRF Tags </well> One line tags follow this basic syntax: <sxh xml;> <tag attribute="value" /> </sxh> Tags... that bound other groups of tags follow this basic syntax: <sxh xml;> <tag1 attribute="value"> <tag2 attrib... include comments in a VRF file, use the following syntax: <sxh xml;> <!-- your comments here --> </sxh> A
- ansiescape @tips
- in your programs. <well> Ansi Escape Sequence Syntax </well> Each ANSI escape sequence has the same basic syntax . ESC[parameters-command (spaces added for readab... xtended Key conversion table and the redefine key syntax: * prompt $e[0;##;"command"p {without trailin
- clinks @tips
- line and libedit replacement that supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, hints, works on Unix and Windows. [... a good balance between speed and ease of use. The syntax (API) is deliberately similar to Matlab. [MPL2] [... brary that provides an interface with MATLAB-like syntax. [Boost] * [[
- files_windows
- offers many powerful features for programming and syntax highlighing for over 100 languages. It already br... r team management * [[:soft:platform:start|Full syntax highlighting and preview support with PTSource De
- portables
- ter language source code files (with configurable syntax highlighting). ;#; {{https://raw.githubuserconten... s, with synchronized movement on scroll up/dn * Syntax highlighting, with the ability to define new code
- batchhowto @tips
- er case. <sxh plain;> @echo off if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: LwrCase FullyQualifiedFileName&goto :EOF if not ... er case. <sxh plain;> @echo off if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: LwrCase_Folder FullyQualifiedDirectoryName&goto
- nmapcommands @tips
- To scan both TCP and UDP ports, use the following syntax. <sxh bash;> $ nmap -p -T:20-25,80,443 U:53, 67,... time to complete when compared with the standard syntax. You can change the value of -T from 0 to 5, wher
- curlcommands @tips
- ers can use it as a reference guide. <well> cURL Syntax and Usage </well> The cURL utility supports a ple... C 3986. The below line will demonstrate the basic syntax of cURL. <sxh bash;> curl [options] [URL...] </s
- webasmlinks @tips
- s:///|Walt - Alternative Syntax for WebAssembly]] * [[https:///|wam - Superset of wast syntax that is more convenient for humans to write direc
- formats @soft:platform
- Octave Language - TEA Language - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Windows Resource Scrip
- scripting @soft:vrgrid
- lyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" dismiss="false"> ** Syntax ** </alert> A single statement may be spread ove
- actions @soft:vrgrid
- see sad.gif again. Now lets look at the complete syntax for action tags: <sxh xml;> <action location="(co
- difftool @soft:platform
- Visual differencing and merging of text files * Syntax highlighting * Handles WIN, UNIX and MAC text f