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- clinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... and C++ are general-purpose, procedural computer programming languages supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.... ross-platform C++ library designed using contract programming and modern C++ techniques. [Boost] [[http://dlib.
- freecompilers @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... gram that translates computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another langu... rams that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a lower level language (e.g., assembl... ) to create an executable program. These are some programming language compilers and interpreters which are dis
- shelllinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... TO.html#toc|The Linux Documentation Project: Bash Programming - Intro/How-to]] * [[ /dyne/Tomb|Tomb]] - The Crypto Undertaker. <well> Programming </well> * [[|dev... ramework. * [[|Go]] - The Go programming language. * [[|Glide]] - Packa
- courses @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... -description=(Free Full Courses. Full free online programming general video courses. Watch video courses, inclu... :description=(Free Full Courses. Full free online programming general video courses. Watch video courses, inclu... d of the internet and the World Wide Web. <well> Programming General </well> * {{youtube>ZihKWQXRBmE | How t
- webasmlinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... tml#faust-webassembly-backend|faust2 - Functional programming language for signal processing and sound synthesi... :///|Go - Go programming language WebAssembly support]] * [[https:///www... (2015)]] * [[https:///|The Future of
- phplinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... response. Additionally, PHP can be used for many programming tasks outside of the web context, such as standal... ny/functional-php|Functional PHP]] - A functional programming library. * [[|Iter... > * [[|Functional Programming in PHP]] - This book will show you how to leverag
- guides @soft:mvmdos
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... ffered instant access to documentation on various programming languages, libraries, and APIs directly within th... hysical manuals. Norton Guides supported multiple programming languages and became an invaluable tool for developers needing quick and efficient access to programming references during the era of DOS-based software d
- platform @soft:platform
- ents for Windows x86 and x64.) }} <well> Computer programming </well> Computer programming is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing ... referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language. <well> PTSource Developer Platform </we
- ptshell @soft:ptshell
- etatag-description=(PTSource Shell is a free UNIX programming environment compatible environment that runs nati... tag-og:description=(PTSource Shell is a free UNIX programming environment compatible environment that runs nati... iled and run natively on Windows.) }} <well> UNIX Programming Environment </well> Even though the UNIX system i... stead, what makes it effective is the approach to programming, a philosophy of using the computer. Although tha
- mvmdos @soft:mvmdos
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... > PTSource MiniVMDOS is tailored specifically for programming and networking, designed to evoke the nostalgic c... roke resonates with the spirit of traditional DOS programming, yet the system auto-configures effortlessly, spa... ides an immersive journey into the realm of retro programming, where creativity knows no bounds, and innovation
- jquerylinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... oy new video tutorials for beginners with related programming challenges. * [[|... ]]. * [[|Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning jQuery]]
- webvrlinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... WebVR was an experimental JavaScript application programming interface (API) that enabled applications to inte... features a 3D world editor and a powerful, visual programming language. * [[|Beloola]]
- githublinks @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... Lodato * [[|Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning Git]] ... Follow new trending repositories in your favorite programming language via GitHub notifications. * [[https://
- phphum @soft:phphum
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... pting </well> A scripting or script language is a programming language for a special run-time environment that ... * Supports both procedural and object-oriented programming models. * High performance, compares favorably
- html5links @tips
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... ious Tutorials]] * [[|Cheat Sheet]] <well> Se... se) * [[|Programming Community Curated Resources for learning HTML5]]