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clinks @tips
406 Hits, Last modified:
systems. <well> Standard Libraries </well> * [[ ry]] - The Standard Template Library (STL). * [[|C POSIX l... of a C standard library for POSIX systems. * [[|ISO C++ Standards Committe... /|website]] * [[|The GNU C Libr
phplinks @tips
405 Hits, Last modified:
CLI). <well> Composer Repositories </well> * [[|Firegento]] - Magento Module Composer Repository. * [[|Packagist]] - The PHP Package Repository. * [[|Private Packagist]] - Composer package archive as a service for PHP. * [[|WordPress Packagist]] - Manage
shelllinks @tips
341 Hits, Last modified:
sting and iteration. <well> Shells </well> * [[|bash]] - GNU Project's shell (Bourne Again SHell) * [[|elvish]] - Friendly, expressive shell f... ike anonymous functions and data structures * [[|fish]] - Smart and user-friendly command line shell * [[|osh]] - Bash compatible, with
aframelinks @tips
185 Hits, Last modified:
s Unity. <well> Official Resources </well> * [[|Official Site]] * [[|Documentation and Guides]] * [[|Blog]] * [[|Examples]] * [[
webasmlinks @tips
167 Hits, Last modified:
* [[|Official Site]] * [[https:///|GitHub]] * [[https:///|WebAssembly MDN]] * [[https:///|WebAssembly Wikipedia]] * [[https:///|WebAssembly Specif
jquerylinks @tips
123 Hits, Last modified:
entation]] - Official jQuery documentation. * [[|Code Scho... utorials for the jQuery JavaScript library. * [[|Style guides... uides when contributing to jQuery projects. * [[|jQuery ... tand by your team. <well> Tutorials </well> * [[|j
html5links @tips
88 Hits, Last modified:|THML 5.2 Editor's Draft]] * [[|The extensible web ... and HTML4 from W3C]] <well> Canvas </well> * [[|Brief description from W3 Schools]] * [[ ng Elements]] <well> Media Elements </well> * [[|Audio tag
freecompilers @tips
56 Hits, Last modified:
is an assembler for a wide variety of CPUs. * [[|YASM]] - YASM, a rewrite of t... s the Intel x86 and AMD64 instruction sets. * [[|NASM]] - This is a free macro asse... out, ELF, COFF, Mach-0, Microsoft OBJ, etc. * [[ l> BASIC Compilers and Interpreters </well> * [[|SDL
54 Hits, Last modified:
iety of compilers, assemblers and interpreters. {{}}{{}}{{}} {{
curlcommands @tips
50 Hits, Last modified:
a plethora of communication protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, and so on. You can find the entire lis... action. <sxh bash;> $ curl -o pic-of-the-day.jpg file in the above example. <sxh bash;> $ curl -O $ curl --remote-name
githublinks @tips
34 Hits, Last modified:
html|A Visual Git Reference]] - Mark Lodato * [[|Programming Commun... * [[|Git Immersion]] * [[ com/skwp/git-workflows-book|Git Workflows]] * [[|GitHub ... //|Pro Git]] - Scott Chacon * [[|Pro Git Reedited]] -
31 Hits, Last modified:
S]] * Works in any DOS Operating System ;#; {{ S]] * Works in any DOS Operating System ;#; {{ S]] * Works in any DOS Operating System ;#; {{ S]] * Works in any DOS Operating System ;#; {{
webvrlinks @tips
30 Hits, Last modified:
e across devices. <well> Frameworks </well> * [[|ReactVR]] * Build... and interactive 360 experiences with React. * [[|SceneVR]] * Create mu... nments using HTML-like tags and JavaScript. * [[|A-Frame]] * Building blocks for the ... eriences with Lua. <well> Libraries </well> * [[|html2three]] * A
tutorial @soft:vrgrid
22 Hits, Last modified:
You shoud see "Your site is published at <nowiki>""</no... this tutorial in VRGrid Github repository here [[|VRGrid Github]] as ... als> tags in your VRF file: <sxh xml;> <lib href=""/> </... > tags in your VRF file: <sxh xml;> <assets href="" /> </sxh> Th
protoweb @tips
19 Hits, Last modified:
atic pages of the early 90s. However, thanks to [[|Protoweb]] a community-driven pub... The Mission: Bringing History to Life </well> [[|Protoweb]] mission is simple yet ... sting a vast collection of historical websites, [[|Protoweb]] provides a window into... early Internet services to their former glory. [[|Protoweb]] ensures that every sit
toolsdisk @soft:mvmdos
17 Hits, Last modified:
disks @soft:ptminivm
12 Hits, Last modified:
firststeps @soft:ptlynx
10 Hits, Last modified:
weblock @soft:weblock
7 Hits, Last modified:
phphum @soft:phphum
6 Hits, Last modified:
ptdiff @soft:ptdiff
6 Hits, Last modified:
shell @soft:platform
6 Hits, Last modified:
polydraw @soft:polydraw
6 Hits, Last modified:
ptlynx @soft:ptlynx
6 Hits, Last modified:
mvmdos @soft:mvmdos
6 Hits, Last modified:
platform @soft:platform
6 Hits, Last modified:
vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
6 Hits, Last modified:
ptiptv @soft:ptiptv
6 Hits, Last modified:
ptminivm @soft:ptminivm
6 Hits, Last modified:
xsystem @soft:mvmdos
6 Hits, Last modified:
designer @soft:platform
6 Hits, Last modified:
htaccesshowto @tips
5 Hits, Last modified:
escargotmsn @tips
5 Hits, Last modified:
bkplinux @tips
4 Hits, Last modified:
3 Hits, Last modified:
cloud_hosting @soft:vrgrid
3 Hits, Last modified:
howtos @soft:platform
1 Hits, Last modified:
1 Hits, Last modified:
1 Hits, Last modified:
howtos @soft:ptminivm
1 Hits, Last modified: