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clinks @tips
13 Hits, Last modified:
igation mesh generator and pathfinder, mostly for games. [zlib] * [[ audio engine and audio content creation tool for games. [Free for non-commercial/Commercial] * [[https... soloud|SoLoud]] - Easy, portable audio engine for games. [zlib] * [[|Speex]] - A f... various archives. It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat inspired by Quake 3'
webasmlinks @tips
4 Hits, Last modified:
* [[https:/// _link&sk=20c835664031227eae5690b8a12514f0|Porting Games to the Web with WebAssembly (2019)]] * [[https:... 7)]] * [[https:///|Web Games Platform: Newest Developments (2017)]] * [[https:///hacks.mozi
webvrlinks @tips
2 Hits, Last modified:
lications that run directly on the browser <well> Games </well> * [[|Maze War... r/control.html|Jocly]] * Plenty of playable board games, like Chess ( best user experience with Vive or R
courses @tips
2 Hits, Last modified:
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners}} <well> Programming Games </well> * {{youtube>w-OKdSHRlfA | Games with JavaScript Full Tutorial}} * {{youtube>gcF66q-UPCs | Un
shelllinks @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
ht way to check the weather (curl <well> Games </well> * [[|
aframelinks @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
ing to many A-Frame experiences including stores, games, rides, theaters, and scenes * [[https://chrism
sounds @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
truments, soundtrack or background music found in games. It can be from just a synthesizer tune to an orc
phphum @soft:phphum
1 Hits, Last modified:
stems (OS), embedded systems, as well as numerous games. <well> PTSource PHP-Hum </well> PTSource PHP-Hum
freecompilers @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
aphics engine, so that you can use it to write 2D games in BASIC. * [[|
html5links @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
]] * [[|WebRTC data chann